Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Iraq Enquiry

A post which combines a Polemic with a Poem.

They went to war to find those WMDs,
Or perhaps for a regime more to please,
Maybe it was to smash and grab lots of oil,
They dropped beaucoup bombs on foreign soil.

Now the inevitable hunt for whom to blame,
There were no WMDs, the excuses so lame,
Civilians and soldiers dead, the place in pieces,
But the lies and fabrication just increases.

Chilcot presides over the Iraq Enquiry,
But the politicians have lost their diary,
“I don’t recall” any discussion of this or that,
I was too busy claiming expenses on my flat.

Messrs Campbell and Powell come and go,
We none the wiser, what do they really know,
Dodgy dossiers, fictitious claims all abound,
Anyone owning up – definitely not a sound.

We wait for Blair and Brown to speak,
As if that will mean the facts will leak,
But the dead are making the loudest cry,
They demand truth from A People’s Jury.

Are we to get some truth rarer than WMDs,
Or another Whitehall wash, Chilcot will appease,
But for Bush and Blair, there will be a reckoning,
Sooner or later, Truth always comes haunting.


Anonymous said...

Love the poem and the photos look wonderful. Jxx

Dominique said...

excellent poem, i will try to include it in an upcoming blog post of mine xxx

Dominique said...

excellent poem, i will try to include it in an upcoming blog post of mine xxx