Friday, January 22, 2010

An Imperative Burden

Global warming, a somber warning,
Scientist’s predictions, the ice caps melting,
Winter in summer and freakish storms,
Our own eyes tell us to heed the alarms.

The first world started this inevitable rot,
The third world is now part of the sorry plot,
Consumption and greed driving us to the brink,
But many vested interests don’t like the stink.

China and India burning too much dirty coal,
First world status is their primary goal,
They cry the West did it first, should we bother,
We want what you’ve got, the Earth no matter.

The West, have they set an example to follow,
Of course not, politicians’ concern, utterly hollow,
Headlong we rush to an abyss of spurious plenty,
Our grandchildren face a planet soulless and empty.

Our leaders gathered in pomp in Copenhagen,
Supposedly to ensure the planet is our haven,
A treaty to protect the environment, not a chance,
All we got was a dirty deal and a political dance.

The clock is ticking, our children's future at stake,
Self-destruction, we cannot fail to put on the brake,
The politicians too weak to face their responsibility,
It is up to all of us to perform our solemn duty.

We the consumers, who must say enough is plenty,
This time Governments cannot come up empty,
Legislation and technology must be put in place,
To safeguard the future of the Human Race.

All of us must state our message loud and clear,
And shout it in every official and politician’s ear,
This time we cannot take no for an answer,
Public and private sector must heed our stricture.

It is our moral duty towards planet and children,
To our generation falls this imperative burden,
We dare not fail to succeed in this historic mission,
A Planet Clean, Safe and Secure – our Shining Vision.


Dominique said...

A truly excellent poem, I really like it. Timely and well written. The picture is lovely and very fitting to the poem

Samuel said...

Great poem as always, you really have a talent. Love the pic too, especially the kid in the middle - he looks like he has seen a ghost or something similar!

Poleminous said...

I love your comments, thanks a lot,
Glad you thought the poem hit the spot,
Words like yours encourage me more,
Let's see what else I have in store.

Dominique said...

your welcome! i look forward to what is in store

Anonymous said...

A truly wonderful and thought provoking poem. I love reading them. Great photo of the ladies along side The Boy where they should be Jxxx

Anonymous said...

Jon you sure have a talent. Loved the poem. It would appear lots of thought and feeling has gone into it. When you have grandchildren you worry about their future!!
Am so enjoying yours and Doms. blogs. Lol xx M

Poleminous said...

Thanks M, much appreciated. Glad you're enjoying our blogs. Keep reading them! xx