Thursday, March 4, 2010

You Read It Here First

It appears that someone at the International Herald Tribune has been reading my recent Blog on the Toyota Chancellor!  This article appeared on the front page of the IHT today: .  It seems that Britain is often referred to these days in the same sentence with Iceland and Greece, oh how the mighty have fallen.  As mentioned in my earlier Blog, it wasn't just Binge Drinking that blossomed under New Labour, but also Binge Lending - Thanks a Bunch Brown.

My picture today depicts a very tall tower disappearing high into the sky; on the one hand, this is analogous to Britain's combined public and private sector debt - already in the stratosphere and heading for orbit.  Looked at another way, the building in the picture represents an instrument we might consider using to convey to Bungling Brown our collective displeasure at his stewardship of the economy (the top of the tower is rather sharp).

Actually, there are two towers in this building, one each for Bliar and Brown, perhaps they would like to go into orbit together.

1 comment:

Dominique said...

very amusing, it had me laughing. Of course they read your blog first! Great pictures, love the second one, sky looks great xx