Saturday, February 6, 2010

Polemy in Germany

Polemy steps out in Germany,
A land of checkered history,
Not to be judged too harshly,
We’re all part of that party.

Berlin, long divided by wall,
For so long it cast that pall,
Kennedy, Reagan tilted at it,
But people finally ended it.

A Colossus at Europe’s heart,
But two wars it helped to start,
Millions died in camps and battle,
Those souls our consciences rattle.

As Dylan said, we all learn to abide,
Germany too has God on its side,
Goethe and Schiller, now lie together,
Near Buchenwald, guarding it forever.

Some of our greatest minds are German,
Marx, Einstein, Plank and Beethoven,
Only a nation of deep soul and substance,
Can produce men of such importance.

Its engineering and productivity,
For long driven Europe’s industry,
Quick to protect the environment,
Now we all follow this sentiment.

Polemy has now reached Munich,
City of formal beauty and funny tunic,
German culture in its every pore,
And home to Bier Keller and more.

Yes a nation of stark contradiction,
But one of real historic distinction,
Polemy sees past terrible blemishes,
To reach the greatness in other spaces.

Where next for our alien explorer,
He will ponder a little while longer,
So many more insights are waiting,
All those places curious and inviting.


Dominique said...

another great poem! i like how you acknowledge the contradiction....where will he be off to next?

Poleminous said...

Glad you liked this one, thanks! Maybe Polemy will change continents for the next place.....