Embrace the moment,
Life so fleeting then gone,
Reach out, be all you can,
Strive for those moments,
Life captured in an instant,
The red flag on the Reichstag,
That first step on the moon,
The first kiss of new love.
Look for them, find them,
Moments when life is made,
Lived and that last forever.
Running free, the wind in my face,
I transport myself to another place,
Where mind floats over body, and
Body floats over me.
The ground melts away,
And my mind unwinds itself,
I hear my breath, and feel my heart,
Pumping me clean of daily cares.
I begin to think in the open,
Without hindrance, without weight,
I am rising up on heeled wings,
I can see horizons now, where I must go.
I gather pace, and lengthen my stride,
Liberated, I can do anything now,
Body and mind melding as one,
Perfect union, the runner’s Holy Grail.
Mile after mile, I feel no pain,
The running, a drug that numbs all,
Euphoria takes me over, surrounds me,
I am invincible, I am running free.
I return to Earth, spent but satisfied,
I slip back into reality, a temporary lapse,
Soon I shall return to that other place,
Where I reign, and all is possible.

lovely poems, i especially love the first one. the pictures are super sharp and i love the one with the dresses xxx
thanks sweetheart, I thought you would like the dresses xxx
Different to your usual style. You definitely have a talent and I enjoyed it very much. Excellent pics too. The first one is great.
Thanks Samuel, much appreciated. You will be enjoying all these views in the flesh at Easter!
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